Steve McGarry is an award winning comic artist whose syndicated features appear in publications internationally.
Born in Manchester, England, in 1953, McGarry quit his job with a mail order company in 1977 to become a full-time freelance artist. His cartooning career took off in the 1980s as his work began appearing in national publications in the U.K. In 1989 he moved his family to the U.S. to work for New York features syndicate United Media.
His “Biographic” is a Sunday feature that chronicles the lives of work of a wide range of pop culture personalities. McGarry’s July 6, 2014, “Biographic” (below) featured Elvis, in recognition of the 60th anniversary of Presley’s recording of “That’s All Right (Mama).”
McGarry also produces a daily feature titled “TrivQuiz.” Seven times over the past two years, “TrivQuiz” has focused on Elvis:
“TrivQuiz” | June 27, 2014
“TrivQuiz” | February 23, 2014
“TrivQuiz” | December 5, 2013
“TrivQuiz” | July 5, 2013
"TrivQuiz" | January 8, 2013
All images above: © Steve McGarry. Links to both “Biographic” and “TrivQuiz” can be found at For more information on Steve McGarry’s life and work, check out his website at — Alan Hanson |July 2014